Horses of Iceland

Bring you close to nature

News on the Icelandic horse

Icelandic horses and their riders, ready to a gallop race in Austria

A different kind of race in Austria

A story about power and versatility

Sigurður Vignir Matthíasson and Sigursteinn Sumarliðason ride side by side and raise their arms in Pace during Landsmót 2024

Landsmót in Reykjavík 2024

Here is to a great week at Landsmót!

Icelandic horses running in a field with mountains and the sea in the background.

International day of the Icelandic Horse

Let's celebrate the international day of the Icelandic horse together

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The five Gaits

The horses of Iceland are a so-called gaited horse breed. This means that most Icelandic horses have two extra gaits to offer besides walk, trot and canter/gallop. All horse breeds have these three natural gaits and can perform them without training. The extra gaits that set the Icelandic horse apart from other breeds are called tölt and flying pace.

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Colourful breed

The Icelandic horse has over 40 colours and up to 100 variations and, with only few exceptions, most of the known horse colours can be found within the breed. This fact adds both to the charming look of the Icelandic horse and to variation within the breed.

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Videos of the magnificent Icelandic Horse

Horses of Iceland